Spring 2021 – Loco Building

Screenshot 2021-02-07 at 19.14.32Welcome to the Spring 2021 virtual loco building room.

Barry Norman has produced a series of articles on the subject of building, refining and detailing locomotive kits. Based around the construction of a 7mm J15 kit from Connoisseur Models:

    • Part 1 – Barry covers the topics of choice of kit, soldering tips and chassis choices
    • Part 2 – Moves on to cover the building of the locomotive and tender bodies
    • Part 3 – Covers the boiler and finishing touches


  • Understanding soldering – David Brandreth tells us all we need to know when it comes to soldering our kits
  • The recording of Tim Watson’s workbench presentation from the Saturday is now available. This has been split into three parts, two of which include locomotive building.


Mick Moignard gives a couple of presentations on the topic of improvements that can help in building locomotives:

You may also be interested in the loco room content from our Virtual Autumn Weekend in 2020.